KAMS BIO CARE - Caring for Future

Growth Promoters

Growth Promoters



Each Kg contains Avilamycin 10%


Avilamycin helps in prevention and control of necrotic enteritis, increases rate of weight gain and improves feed efficiency in poultry.


AVILAMAC is an derivative of oligosaccharide which is produced by Streptomyces viridochromogenes which exhibits antibiotic properties. The role as a bacterial metabolite and as antimicrobial agent. Inclusion in feed for the prevention of necrotic enteritis associated with Clostridium Perfringens in Broiler Chickens.


Fast acting, readily absorbed for excellent distribution.
Converts feed more effectively and improves weight gain by improving the production of volatile fatty acids and regulating the production of lactic acid Degrades easily, minimal environment pollution, Enhances glucose absorption in the intestines of chicken No withdrawal period Controls Non Specific of diarrhoea

Dosage : 100 125 gm per ton of feed
Presentation :
5kgs and bulk Drum of 5 x 5 kgs



Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate 100 gms /kg


arrow-icon  Bacikam has high antibacterial activity and is used for improving the feed efficiency and improves weight gain.
arrow-icon  Bacikam helps to prevent and control necrotic enteritis
arrow-icon  Bacikam maintains the integrity of the gut wall by ensuring better nutrient absorption.
arrow-icon  Bacikam has no withdrawal period as it is not absorbed from the intestinal tract.
arrow-icon  Bacikam provides greater productivity with decreased morbidity /mortality. as it reduces subclinical and clinical diseases.
arrow-icon  Bacikam is in granules to improve flowability and stability that ensures uniform mixing in feed.


500 gm / ton of finished poultry feed at all stages as a sole ration or as directed by the Veterinarian / Consultant

Presentation : 25 Kgs


CHLOTOUCH is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is used to treat bacterial infections in chickens. It is also used to prevent infections and promote growth in chickens.


Chlortetracycline HCL : 15% Unique Granular Premix


Strongly resist against gram +ve and gram -ve bacteria rickettsia, brucellosis, mycoplasma, cholera and recurrent fever prevention and cure of respiratory disease, bacterial enteritis and pneumonia of chicken & livestock


Prevents the secretion of microbial toxins and improves the function of absorption of nutrients and there by increases weight gain


500 gm of Chlotouch per ton of feed or as per the recommendation of Veterinarian / Consultant
Withdrawal Period: 5 days before slaughter when fed to chickens at 800-1000 g/ton




Enramycin HCl : 8% (Feed Grade Unique Granular Premix)

Indications & Benefits

ENRAMAC MG 80 is a polypeptide antibiotic as a feed additive and produced by Streptomyces fungicides. This antibiotic has a vast antibacterial activity against Gram- positive bacteria and inhibits the development of pathogens of the gut microflora. ENRAMAC MG 80 is having a minimal resistance and having no cross-resistance with other antibiotics.

MIC study for several feed additives states that Enramycin inhibited strongest activity against Clostridium perfringens and no resistance to Enramycin-


ENRAMAC MG 80 has a very strong activity against Gram-positive bacteria, and is not easy to produce drug-resistant.

ENRAMAC MG 80 can promote the livestock, poultry growth, and could improve the feed conversion ratio.

No detachable residue in tissue.

Reduce wet droppings.


Suggested inclusion concentration in feed is 3 to 10 ppm
Broilers : Starter and pre starter feed : 63-125g/ton of feed Finisher : 38 to 125g/ton of feed
Layers & Breeders : 63 to 125g/ton of feed
Withdrawal period : 7 Days

Presentation : 1kg packing and bulk Drum with 25 x 1 kg



Choline Chloride 60%

If you are a poultry farmer and you're constantly looking for ways to improve the health and productivity of your flock. You've heard about choline chloride and its importance in poultry nutrition.

KAMCHOL Choline Chloride 60% is a quaternary ammonium salt and an essential nutrient for poultry. It plays a crucial role in animal feed, specifically for poultry, due to its chemical structure and biological functions.

Choline, the primary component of KAMCHOL, is an essential nutrient that is crucial for the proper functioning of cells, fat metabolism, and nervous system in poultry. It's like a superhero working behind the scenes to ensure the well-being of your flock.

Choline plays a vital role in poultry health and development. It's involved in several key biological functions, such as:


arrow-icon  Cell membrane structure: Choline is an essential component of phospholipids, the building blocks of cell membranes, ensuring proper cellular function.
arrow-icon  Fat metabolism: It helps in the transport and metabolism of fats, preventing fatty liver syndrome in poultry.
arrow-icon   Nervous system function: Choline is necessary for the synthesis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in muscle control and memory.

Presentation : 25 kgs



Lincomycin HCL B.P. Vet 11%

Lincomac Feed premix is an ideal AGP. Lincomac is indicated to increase the rate of weight gain, improving feed efficiency and controlling necrotic enteritis and gangrenous dermatitis / wing rot. Caused by Clostridium spp. and other organisms susceptible to Lincomycin in broilers.


arrow-icon  Convenient, Cost-effective tool for treating and controlling Necrotic Enteritis problems.
arrow-icon  Fast acting, readily absorbed for excellent distribution.
arrow-icon  Improves FCR, weight gain in broilers and egg production in layers
arrow-icon  Promotes efficient feed utilization for better returns.
arrow-icon  Highly active against respiratory infections, necrotic enteritis, anaerobic bacteria etc.
arrow-icon  Suppresses the growth of harmful gut bacteria.
arrow-icon  Environmentally safe.


40 gm/ ton of feed is to be uniformly mixed in the feed or as suggested by Veterinarian / Consultant.
Presentation : 5 kgs individual packing and bulk Drum 5 x 5 kgs




Each 5 gms contains

arrow-icon  Calcium : 165 mg
arrow-icon  Phosphorous : 75 mg
arrow-icon  Magnesium : 2 mg
arrow-icon  Manganese : 10 mg
arrow-icon  Vitamin D3 : 700 I.U
arrow-icon  Vitamin B12 :7 mcg


arrow-icon  Innovative Liposomal technology improves the absorption of Calcium & Phosphorous.
arrow-icon  Fast & High level of absorption helps to improve bone metabolism & mineral iron balance
arrow-icon  Improves egg size, shell quality and hatchability
arrow-icon  Prevents leg weakness and skeletal integrity in layers.
arrow-icon  Controls & prevents egg breakages, thin shell problems


500Gms - 1 Kg per ton of feed or as directed by Veterinarian / Consultant
Presentation : 25 kgs


Nosiheptide : 1%


arrow-icon  To promote growth in swine, poultry and aquatic animals..
arrow-icon  Highly effective against Gram-positive bacteria, especially Staphylococcus.
arrow-icon  Effective against some Gram-negative bacteria, such as Pasteurella multocida and etc.
arrow-icon  NOSIKAM is highly effective in controlling Necrotic Enteritis caused by Clostridium Perfringens and increases the weight gain and FCR.


Commercial Broilers : 200-250 g/ton
Commercial Layers : 200-250 g/ton
Fish and Shrimp : 50 -200 g/ton
Or as recommended by Veterinarian or Consultant
Presentation : 25 Kgs




Virginiamycin : 50%

Indications & Benefits

arrow-icon  VIRGIKAM is a feed additive for broiler and swine feeds, containing virginiamycin.
arrow-icon  VIRGIKAM enables broilers and swine to reach the desired weight sooner and on less feed, which means better FCR and profitable farming.
arrow-icon  Increases weight gain
arrow-icon  Improves feed efficiency
arrow-icon  Prevents Necrotic Enteritis
arrow-icon  No withdrawal period
arrow-icon  No residue problems in meat
arrow-icon  Good feed mixability


VIRGIKAM is recommended at 20 to 40 gm per ton of finished feed in all stages as a sole ration.
Presentation : 1kg packing and 25 x 1 kg Drum
