KAMS BIO CARE - Caring for Future

Enzymes & Probiotics

Enzymes & Probiotics


Multi Strain Probiotics with Enzymes and A+80 Advantage


arrow-icon  Bacillus Megaterium
arrow-icon  Bacillus Subtilis
arrow-icon  Bacillus Calusii
arrow-icon  Bacillus Pumilus
arrow-icon  Bacillus Licheniformis
arrow-icon  Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens
arrow-icon  Bacillus Polymyxa
arrow-icon  Bacilus Circulans
arrow-icon  Lactobacillus Lactis
arrow-icon  Lactobacillus Casei
arrow-icon  Lactobacillus Reuteri
arrow-icon  Lactobacillus Salivarious
arrow-icon  Lactobacillus Sporogenes
arrow-icon  Lactobacillus Rhamnousus
arrow-icon  Lactobacillus Bulgaricus
arrow-icon  Lactobacillus Fermentum
arrow-icon  Lactobacillus Acidophillus
arrow-icon  Lactobacillus Thermophillus
arrow-icon  Saccharomyces Boullardii


arrow-icon  MOS (Mannan Oligasaccharides)
arrow-icon  FOS (Fructo Oligosaecharides)


Amylase (alpha, beta, gamma) - poly saccharides. Protease -proteins split into amino acids. Cellulase, Xylanase and Hemicellulase - NSP enriched


Micro-encapsulated Long storage times at ambient temperature, Resistant to high temperatures, e.g., during pelleting. Compatibility with other feed additives, e.g., enzymes and acidiffiers. Maintains normal intestinal microllora. Competitive exclusion and resistance. Improves digestive enzyme activity. Perk up feed intake and digestion. Diminish harmful bacterial enzyme activity and ammonia production. Stimulate the immune system.


Enhances useful microbial environment. Regulates Gut Ecologoy. Reduces digestive disorders, improves nutrient absorption and utilisation. Improves immunity increases production. Checks mortality.

Advantages of A+80

Upregulation of immune cell metabolism & function Reduces Oxidative Stress and helps in faster tissue multiplication. Enhances Immune system. Enhances Protein Synthesis

IN FEED/ Ton IN WATER /1000 Birds
Chicks 150g 10g
Growers/Broilers 100 - 150g 15g
Layers 100g 15g
Breeders 200g 20g

Presentaion : 1 Kg and 25 Kgs


Myzyme P 5000 is a 6 Phase Bacterial granular Phytase

Matrix Value Of MYZYME - P 50000 IU/Kg
Animal Species Layers Broilers
Phospherous (%) 2330 1150
Available Phospherous (%) 1960 1000
Calcium (%) 1670 1000
Cystine (%) 30 30
Crude Protein (%) 2250 2250
Methionine (%) 10 10
Lysine (%) 120 120
ME (Mcal/kg) 530 530
Dosage & Application
Animal Species Gms IU/Kg
Layers 60 300
Breaders 60 300
Broilers 100 300

Myzyme - P 5000 IU/Kg can be applied in the compound feed, premix and concentrated feed

arrow-icon  Dilute @ 1:10 and into compound feed.
arrow-icon  Dilute @ 1:5 and add into concentrated feed.
arrow-icon  Add 3-10% directly into premix

Presentation : 1 Kg and bulk in Drum with 25 x 1 kg
