KAMS BIO CARE - Caring for Future

About KAMS

KAMS, a entity located in Hyderabad and having its existence in Veterinary Pharmacuetical Industry since 2007 in the name of “MAYUR Marketing”, in the year 2017 we branded our company as KAMS Bio Care Pvt Ltd., in order to provide a better service to the poultry Industry.

KAMS with its wide Innovative range of Feed Supplements, Antibiotics and Injectable products with rigoruos Quality standards and conceptual approach to address the needs of the industry for a profitable business made us successful in serving all segments of poultry industry since 2007

The KAMS Team has a vast practical experience in the veterinary industry across pan India in terms of Poultry Management Practices, helping the farmers to give the right solutions to their problems which are coming across on daily basis with the help of industry experts and Veterinarians and consultants.


Perfect D3 - The only Natural Calcitriol with 12 - 14 ppm